Due to severe weather conditions, we have made the difficult decision to close school today. We want to ensure the safety of our students, staff, and families during challenging weather. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Stay safe and warm.
about 1 month ago, Fair Lawn Public Schools
winter road
If this cold snap has you dreaming of warmer temps... we've got a little pick-me-up for you today! The Fair Lawn Community School is now hiring for Summer 2025 counselors & instructors. Learn more by checking out the openings on https://www.applitrack.com/fairlawnschools/onlineapp/ Deadline to apply is March 30!
about 1 month ago, Fair Lawn Public Schools
FL Community School now hiring for summer 2025 counselors & instructors
Today Radburn had a visit from Comic/Graphic Novel Author, Mike Dawson compliments of Radburn's PTA. Mike completed a drawing with the help of students, and he explained how he makes characters or objects move. Throughout his presentation, he was careful to point out how he draws to demonstrate character feelings. He shared his early beginnings from age 10. He was encouraging and inspiring.
4 months ago, Jill Lindsay
Mike Dawson
Mike drawing.
Thank you Lizzie Sider for visiting Fair Lawn Schools on Lizzie Sider Day! We loved your message of anti-bullying and kindness!
4 months ago, Jill Lindsay
Stephanie Primavera, Jill Lindsay, Lizzie, Stephanie Beaudoin, Kelly Diee and Ms. Callahan
The Respect Tour comes to Radburn School! Our students were up and dancing!
6 months ago, Jill Lindsay
singing and dancing!
Respect Dong
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Staff has come together to show their love and support for 5th grader, Kaylee Wan, and remember Lucy Macaluso.
6 months ago, Sydney Weisser
Staff putting hands together to show Care for Kaylee bracelets
Our fourth graders legacy project includes painting the blacktop for our kindergarten students. Hopscotch, four square, shapes and more. Great job!!
10 months ago, Jill Lindsay
4 square
Mrs. Lindsay gets slimed as a reward for students efforts to send "thank you" to the staff during staff appreciation week. Radburn students were challenged to complete 350 letters for staff to show their appreciation and the actual number collected was over 600 letters. Way to go Radburn!
10 months ago, Jill Lindsay
brennan slime
The Westchester Circus visits Radburn School on Wednesday, May 1, 2024! Radburn students earned this rewarded for their outstanding performance with our first Read-A-Thon complete with an ice cream party after the show. Amazing acrobats, unicyclist and clowns captured the attention of all the children. We thank our amazing PTA for providing this opportunity for our students!
11 months ago, Jill Lindsay
tight rope
Radburn celebrated WORLD DOWN SYNDROME DAY on March 21st with students wearing their boldest and brightest colored SOCKS to illustrate the many differences we each have but yet how we are the same.
12 months ago, Jill Lindsay
Down Syndrome Day
Down Syndrome
World Down Syndrome
Radburn's gallery wall is complete thanks to our wonderful PTA! It highlights young artist work!
12 months ago, Jill Lindsay
Radburn's Great Radbsy in full swing. Thank you for joining us and thank you to our AMAZING PTA!!!
12 months ago, Jill Lindsay
thank you!
We had a blast at the Cereal Box Lineup Assembly! As a school, we collected over 200 boxes for the Fair Lawn Food Pantry! We lined them up and watched the fall like dominoes to celebrate our success. Way to go Radburn!
about 1 year ago, Sydney Weisser
Cereal Boxes Lined Up in the Gym
Thank you to our PIZZA CREW for organizing and distributing pizza twice this week. They even dressed for the occasion. Check out those leggings!
about 1 year ago, Jill Lindsay
pizza crew
Today is dress up like a character day for READ ACROSS AMERICA week!
about 1 year ago, Radburn School
Radburn School rolls out its One School, One Book program with a visit from EYES OF THE WILD! The entire school will read, A BOY NAMED BAT!
about 1 year ago, Jill Lindsay
Mr. Travis brought us a skunk!
Angora rabbit
A Boy Named BAT
Radburn School celebrates Mardi Gras with a fourth grade parade through Radburn complete with beads, coins and other treats! Students created masks to wear for our celebration! Laissez les bons temps rouler...Let the good times roll!
about 1 year ago, Jill Lindsay
Ms. Cusumano’s class
Mrs. Suero’s Class
Delayed Opening Schedule for Wednesday, January 17, 2024. All students should arrive at 10:10 am. Students will be dismissed at 3:00pm. There will be NO BEFORE CARE.
about 1 year ago, Jill Lindsay
delayed opening
Delayed Opening Schedule for Tuesday, January 16, 2024. All students should arrive at 10:10 am. Students will be dismissed at 3:00pm. There will be NO BEFORE CARE.
about 1 year ago, Jill Lindsay
Delayed Opening
Delayed Opening Schedule for Wednesday, January 10, 2024. All students should arrive at 10:10 am. Students will be dismissed at 3:00pm. There will be NO BEFORE CARE.
about 1 year ago, Jill Lindsay