Mrs. Stephanie Beaudoin

Mrs. Beaudoin

Music Teacher

Welcome to General Music with Mrs. Beaudoin!

Music is self-expression, music is feeling, music is math, music is history,  music is science, music is mindfulness, music is life...that’s why our hearts have beats.

My Philosophy of Music Education:

I believe music is a form of human behavior that needs to be nurtured and cultivated to help develop the whole child.  In the words of music therapist Thayer Gaston, ”All mankind has need for aesthetic experience. Children… of all cultures, need music for their healthy and normal  development.”

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Music Curriculum

My Curriculum:

  • Song-based learning approach (Kodaly and Orff methods): through singing, playing instruments, moving, chanting, circle dances and music qames the students are learning about rhythm, pitch, proper singing habits and many other music concepts.

  • Use of world music, music of diverse genres, periods and styles 

  • Multi-sensory approach to music learning

Some Music Concepts Presented  (focused by grade level): 

Kindergarten:  steady beat; matching pitch; high/low; soft/loud

First Grade: basic rhythmic and melodic patterns; long/short sounds;

Second Grade: pitch, tone color, rhythmic patterns, form

Third Grade: Recorder introduced in January, reading notation on the staff

Fourth Grade: complex rhythmic patterns through bucket drumming; partner singing, rounds

Fifth Grade: development of proper singing habits, complex rhythmic and melodic patterns, harmony

Concert Dates

Holiday Concert: 

Moving Up Ceremonies:

Recorder Karate!